Jason S Andrews

...is the author of Hello Berlin, Devilish Scenes of November and Jules and Eddie

The Mike Seferis series
I've developed a crime series focused on London based detective, Mike Seferis. I'm mostly focused on that, so my main site is now www.sjandrewswriter.com

The Beer & Cake Trio
Three comedies, loosely connected in that they involve the consumption of cakes 'n' ale. 

Hello Berlin 
New in Berlin, Paul discovers a world of free love, free afternoons and lofty literary pursuits. Innocently stealing the hearts of those around him, it leads to anything but a tender love story. 

Amazon links: UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hello-Berlin-Jason-S-Andrews/dp/1925536114
US - https://www.amazon.com/Hello-Berlin-Jason-S-Andrews/dp/1925536114

Devilish Scenes of November (2017) is a darkly comic tale about a place where people spend their lives drunk, listless and traumatised by love. Harry loses himself in drink, Dick in literature, Andy in drugs, Val in her cooking, Maisie in her work, Bryan in his poetry. Tim only wants a warm seat by a radiator.
When Jeremy is drawn into this place by a mysterious power, his life and sanity soon too unravel.
That’s what happens when the devil himself chooses to spend his time in a single place for too long. 

Jules and Eddie (2018)
This isn’t Paris and this isn’t the Belle Époque. It’s 2010s London. Jules and Eddie would live a life full of gaiety, colour and bohemian exuberance, but they’re occupied in dead end jobs, trying to pay rent and mostly acquiring debt.

Jules has literary aspirations but spends his days delivering cheese by bike. Eddie is a tour guide with a passion for London. Most days though, he’s reduced to giving demeaning Jack the Ripper tours.

Along comes Nula, a beauty from Berlin, and things get complicated in a sweet and funny tale about searching for love in today’s modern, urban époque.
